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This Certificate of Accreditation
in the profession of
Medical Clowning
is hereby granted to
Shmuel Goldstein
from the Nursing School of the Shamir Medical Center
(Be'er Yaakov, Israel)
With 250 academic hours, including introduction to nursing, acting, and clowning arts
Graduating Class #1, 2024
Tzur Shariki, CEO Dream Doctors
Dr. Efrat Danino, Pres. Shamir School of Nursing

The Nissan Netiv Acting Studio
hereby acknowledges that
Shmuel Goldstein
has successfully completed the
Acting For the Camera
Total academic hours: 85
Tel Aviv-Yaffo, December 2017

The Simchat HaLev Academy
hereby acknowledges that
Shmuel Goldstein
has successfully completed the program for
Medical/Therapeutic Clowning
Professional Clowning
June, 2014
Total academic hours: 120
Tel Aviv-Yaffo, December 2017

The Jerusalem College of Technology
bestows upon
Shmuel Goldstein
the degree
Bachelor of Technology and Applied Science
After he has completed successfully all of the academic requirements in the field of
and has practiced Torah as a way of life
Jerusalem, the Holy City, Wednesday, 30th of Sivan, 5752 (July 1, 1992)

ועדת המנהל של
האוניברסיטה של קליפורניה
ע"פ המלצת הועד של
הבה"ס הגבוה של אומנויות, לוס אנג'לס
מכתיר את
סטיבן מרקוס גולדשטיין
בוגר באומנויות הבמה
עם כל הזכויות בהתאם
ניתנה ב לוס אנג'לס, היום החמישה עשר של יוני,
אלף תשע מאות שמונים וארבע

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